Visa Information System (VIS)
The fingerprint checks required by the European Union's (EU) Visa Information System (VIS) have been performed at Finland's international border crossings since the beginning of November 2014. Fingerprint checks are carried out during border controls for third-country nationals who are subject to a visa requirement and have been granted a VIS visa.
Finland's Ministry for Foreign Affairs is nationally responsible for granting visas and for the VIS system. The Finnish Border Guard is responsible for border controls at international border crossings.
Is there anything I need to do about this during my border control check? How do I know if I have a VIS visa?
Not all EU countries that are subject to a visa requirement belong to the VIS system. The system is being gradually introduced area-by-area, and travellers do not need to concern themselves about whether or not their home country already belongs to the system.
If a traveller's home country belongs to the VIS, all ten fingerprints and a digital passport photo of the traveller will be stored in the system as part of the visa application process. The text 'VIS' will be clearly shown in all granted VIS visas.
When travellers arrive at a border crossing, they will not need to know whether they have a visa from the VIS or another system. The border guard will provide guidance and advice, and ensure that the correct procedure is carried out for the visa in question.
If for some reason the fingerprint check does not succeed using the data stored in the VIS, this does not automatically mean that a traveller will be prevented from entering the country. In such instances, border guards will confirm the traveller's identity using other means.
How is the fingerprint check performed in practice at the border crossing?
When a traveller arrives at the border, the border guard will ask the traveller to place their finger or fingers on a fingerprint scanner as part of the border control check. The scanner will read the fingerprint(s) and will compare them online with the fingerprints taken during the visa application, which are stored in the VIS central system.
You can obtain more information about VIS visa checks at international border crossings or by email (rajavartiolaitos(at)